1. Juvenile Delinquency
Wr. Wb.
To the judges,
teachers and the audiences who I respect,
To my beloved
friends and everyone who attending this place.
Thank you
very much to give me time so I can stand up here, to deliver a speech.
Ladies and
Let us
reflect and pray together for a moment, hopefully we are up this time still
blessed with happiness by God the Almighty, given the power to give thanks
always, and let us prove to keep running and stay away from the obligation
imposed by Allah in the most just.
In this
moment I will deliver a speech, with the title: “Juvenile Delinquency”
As we know
that “Juvenile Delinquency” is a form of social deviation where the condition
now is at an alarming level.
Everyday, we can
see around us, youth and under age people are familiar with cigarettes, drugs,
free sex, fight each others, and other criminal activities.
Like it’s
name “delinquency”, of course it will cause a bad things to your self and
others. All of delinquency, surely will generate sin to its perpetrator.
says: “no people forcinate whilst they
are mukmin, no one who steal whilst they are mukmin, and no one who drinking a
wine whilst they are mukmin.” (Mutafaq’alaih)
It’s mean if
somebody do a bad things, so they’re not a mukmin.
Ladies and
All these can
happen because of several factors, which will support behaviour change among
them, such as:
Lack of basic education
on religion
Lack of parental
affection and supervision
Uncontrolled relationship
Negative impact of
information technology
Lack of media for talent
and hobby
Lack of communication
and etc,
Ladies and
There are
several ways that can be used to overcome and prevent juvenile delinquency in
particullar, create our selves in order not to fall into:
Religion education since
the beginning and useful to strengthen our faith.
2. Obey to the
advices of parents, teachers, and others.
3. Do not try
all the things which are whroup according to the law and religion.
Develop the right
concept of living.
gentlement, and lovely friends,
Let us fill
our free time with positive things such as sports, reading the book, helping
our parents, and other positive things.
There is
nothing beautiful in this life than do some good things.
So as our first action, “Say no to
drugs and criminals!”
These all
that I can say, and thank you for your attention.
taufiq wal hidayat,
Wr. Wb.
2. Commemorating Prophet Muhammad SAW Birthday
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum Wrwb.
First of all let us pray to praise and thank goodness to Allah SWT,
shalawat and salam is always overflowed to our great prophet
Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him).
Well, to take a short time, I will deliver my speech, with the title
Ladies and gentlemen.............!
As we know that in every year, Islam
people commemorate big prophet of Muhammad SAW Birthday or we recognize it as
MAULID NABI. This Commemoration is meant in order to recalling and following
the example of his kindness ethic and behavior so that become a guidance to people of islam .
Prophet of Muhammad SAW bin ' Abdullah is a leader of islam and the last prophet and Rasul.
" Michael H. Hart, the
author of The 100, specifying Prophet
of Muhammad SAW as a figure of most having effect of human being history. According
to Hart, Muhammad is the single one who
succeed to reach for extraordinary efficacy
of goodness in the case of earthly matter and also religion. He lead
nation which initially situated behind and glassware, becoming nation go
forward which even ready to defeat team of Romawi in battlefield.
Propet of Muhammad SAW was born on Friday, 12 Rabiulawal the Elephant Year
or August 2nd 570M in Mekkah, part of
South of Arab Jazirah.
When Prophet of Muhammad growth, he start to study self-defence, science
and bow and also with science, he add his skill in trading. Sincerity and
trusworthness of Muhammad in bringing commerce business have extended, make to
be trusted as agent seller of medium of resident merchandise of Mekkah.
Prophet of Muhammad SAW get married with Khadijah at 25 years old while
Khadijah come into 40 years old at that time. Although all properties of them
progressively increase, Muhammad as one who remain to have simple life style.
When Muhammad comes to 35 years old, he obtain get title of Al-Amin with
the meaning the One who earn To Be
Prophet of Muhammad SAW trust fully with the God. He live by very modestly
and hate egoisms and bluff. He love impecunious people, all motherless children
and widow and also shar grief by trying to help them. He also avoid all
ordinary badness among Arab nation during the period like gambling, drinking
liquor, fly off at a tangent and others, so that he was known as As-Shiddiq meaning that owning Real correct
human being.
Ladies and gentleman....
In his mission, Prophet of Muhammad SAW delegated by Allah to become
Prophet for all mankind. in QS. Saba’ : 28, with the meaning:
“28. And We [do] not
delegate you, but to mankind entirely as carrier of good news and as giver of
commemoration, but most human being [do] not know”.
so that mankind can go out from the
darkness era.
Hopefully with commemoration of birthday of
prophet Muhammad SAW will
increase of belief in God and is godfearing of us to Allah SWT.
Akhirul Kalam, wabillahittaufiq wal
Wassalamu'alaikum Wrwb.
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